"Mirror , mirror on the wall , who's is the fairest of all?"
from "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" ......... our childhood fairy tale .
The importance of looking good , rather perfect is always there in our mind and we all try to maintain that . We are often unhappy with the way we look , our body measurements or other physical features .We always wish it to be perfect and attractive. It's a continuous struggle to come up with a flawless look , skin , figure , height , weight . We can go to any length to acheive this --- follow the fairness cream advertisement , posting selfie in social media with special effects .......................and lot more to this list; it can fill pages .............. .
We often ridicule others who fall short of these standards , we don't stop to make fun of them , pass negative comments or demean them and this is "body shaming" .
Currently body shaming is rampant among growing adolescents and it is bringing more disharmony in their lives . They have been made to believe that being perfect in outward appearences enables to achieve everything in life .
Results are lots of psychological disturbances , eating disorders like anorexia , physical weakness, anxiety, depression of not being able to meet social acceptable standards which in the long run will tell upon the health of the individual . Zero figure is craze of the hour.
However little is realised that these will lead to more hardships in future life and may even cause untimely death. No doubt suicidal trends among teenagers are on the rise.
Let's find the good in us , appreciate the negatives in a positive way , boost self power and confidence. Attractiveness is not important for relationship and interpersonal interactions.The best we can do is stop body shaming and not indulge in it.